field effect transistor lesson - Electrical Circuits

field effect transistor lesson

Field effect transistor

A field-effect transistor creates an electric field to control current flowing through a channel in a semiconductor. MOSFETs of microscopic size form the basis of complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) integrated circuit chips, while large discrete MOSFETs are capable of switching substantial currents, in lamp dimmers, audio amplifiers, and motor controllers. FETs have become indispensable in computer electronics. A bipolar transistor is generally thought of as a current amplifier because the current passing through it is controlled by a smaller amount of current passing through the base. By contrast, all FETs are considered to be voltage amplifiers, as the control voltage establishes field intensity, which requires little or no current. The negligible leakage through the gate of an FET makes it ideal for use in low-power applications such as portable hand-held devices.

This section is divided into two subsections, describing the most widely used FETs: JFETs and


A junction field-effect transistor (or JFET) is the simplest form of FET. Just as a bipolar transistor can be of NPN or PNP type, a JFET can have an Nchannel or P-channel, depending whether the channel that transmits current through the device is negatively or positively doped. A detailed explanation of semiconductor doping will be found in the bipolar transistor entry. Because negative charges have greater mobility, the N-channel type allows faster switching and is more commonly used than the P-channel type. A schematic symbol for it is shown in Figure 29-1 alongside the schematic for an NPN transistor. These symbols suggest the similarity of the devices as amplifiers or switches, but it is important to remember that the FET is a primarily a voltage amplifier while the bipolar transistor is a current amplifier.

Figure 29-1. JFET and npn  schematic symbols

Three JFETs are shown in Figure 29-2. The Nchannel J112 type is supplied by several manufacturers,
the figure showing two samples, one from Fairchild Semiconductor (left) and the other from On Semiconductor (right). Although the full part numbers are different, the specifications are almost identical, including a drain-gate voltage of 35V, a drain-source voltage of 35V, and a gate current of 50mA. The metal-clad 2N4392 in the center has similar values but is three times the price, with a much higher power dissipation of 1.8W, compared with 300mW and 350mW for the other two transistors respectively.

Figure 29-2. Junction Field Effect Transistors  JFETs
JFETs are shown in Figure 29-3, N-channel being on the left while P-channel is on the right. The upper-left and lower-left symbol variants are both widely used and are functionally identical. The upper-right and lower-right variants likewise mean the same thing. Because the upper variants are symmetrical, an S should be added to clarify which terminal is the source. In practice, the S is often omitted, allowing some ambiguity. While the source and drain of some JFETs are in fact interchangeable, this does not apply to all types.
The circle around each symbol is occasionally omitted when representing discrete components, and is almost always omitted when multiple FETs are shown connected to form an integrated circuit.

Figure 29-3. Schematic symbols for junction field-effect
The internal function of an N-channel JFET is shown diagrammatically in Figure 29-4. In this component, the source terminal is a source of electrons, flowing relatively freely through the Ndoped channel and emerging through the drain. Thus, conventional current flows nonintuitively from the drain terminal, to the source terminal, which will be of lower potential. The JFET is like a normally-closed switch. It has a low resistance so long as the gate is at the same potential as the source. However, if the potential of the gate is reduced below the potential of the source-that is, the gate acquires a more reltively negative voltage than the sourcethe current flow is pinched off as a result of the field created by the gate. This is suggested by the lower diagram in Figure 29-4.

Figure 29-4. P-doped JFET

The situation for a P-channel JFET is reversed, as shown in Figure 29-5. The source is now positive (but is still referred to as the source), while the drain can be grounded. Conventional current now flows freely from source to drain, so long as the gate is at the same positive potential as the source. If the gate voltage rises above the source voltage, the flow is pinched off. A bipolar transistor tends to block current flow by default, but becomes less resistive when its base is forward-biased. Therefore it can be rereferred to as an enhancement device. By contrast, an N-channel JFET allows current to flow by default, and becomes more resistive when its base is reverse-biased, which widens the depletion layer at the base junction. Consequently it can be referred to as a depletion device.
The primary characteristicts of a junction fieldeffect transistor relative to an NPN bipolar transistor
are summarized in the table in Figure 29-6.

Figure 29-5.N-doped JFET

JFET Behavior

The voltage difference between gate and source of a JFET is usually referred to as Vgs while the voltage difference between drain and source is referred to as Vds.
Suppose the gate of an N-channel JFET is connected with the source, so that Vgs=0. Now if Vds increases, the current flowing through the channel of the JFET also increases, approximately linearly with Vds. In other words, initially the JFET behaves like a low-value resistor in which the voltage across it, divided by the amperage flowing through it, is approximately constant. This phase of the JFET’s behavior is known as its ohmic region. While the unbiased resistance of the channel in a JFET depends on the component type, it is generally somewhere between 10Ω and 1K.

Figure 29-6. the characteristics of an N-channel JFET
If Vds increases still further, eventually no additional flow of current occurs. At this point the channel has become saturated, and this plateau zone is referred to as the saturation region, often abbreviated Idss, meaning “the saturated drain current at zero bias.” Although this is a nearly constant value for any particular JFET, it may vary somewhat from one sample of a component to another, as a result of manufacturing variations. If Vds continues to increase, the component finally enters a breakdown state, sometimes referred to by its full formal terminology as drainsource breakdown. The current passing through the JFET will now be limited only by capabilities of the external power source. This breakdown state can be destructive to the component, and is comparable to the breakdown state of a typical diode.

What if the voltage at the gate is reduced below the voltage at the source—such as Vgs becomes negative? In its ohmic region, the component now behaves as if it has a higher resistance, and it will reach its saturation region at a lower current value (although around the same value for Vds). Therefore, by reducing the voltage on the gate relative to the voltage at the source, the effective resistance of the component increases, and in fact it can behave as a voltage-controlled resistor.
The upper diagram in Figure 29-7 shows this graphically. Below it, the corresponding graph for a P-channel JFET looks almost identical, except that the current flow is reversed and is pinched off as the gate voltage rises above the source voltage. Also, the breakdown region is reached more quickly with a P-channel JFET than with an N-channel JFET.


MOSFETs have become one of the most widely used components in electronics, everywhere from computer memory to high-amperage switching power supplies. The name is an acronym for metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor. A simplified cross-section of an Nchannel MOSFET is shown in Figure 29-8. Two MOSFETs are shown in Figure 29-9.
 Like a JFET, a MOSFET has three terminals, identified as drain, gate, and source, and it functions by creating a field effect that controls current flowing through a channel. (Some MOSFETS have a fourth terminal, described later). However, it has a metal source and drain making contact with each end of the channel (hence the term “metal” in its acronym) and also has a thin layer of silicon dioxide (hence the term “oxide” in its acronym) separating the gate from the channel, thus raising the impedance at the gate to at least
100,000 gigaohms and reducing gate current essentially to zero.

Figure 29-7. current passing through the channel of an N-channel JFET

 The high gate impedance of a MOSFET allows it to be connected directly to the output of a digital integrated circuit. The layer of silicon dioxide is a dielectric, meaning that a field appled to one side creates an opposite field on the other side. The gate attached to the surface of the layer functions in the same way as one plate of a capacitor.

Figure 29-8. Simplified diagram of an N-channel MOSFET

Figure 29-9. TO-220 package
The silicon dioxide also has the highly desirable property of insulating the gate from the channel, thus preventing unwanted reverse current. In a JFET, which lacks a dielectric layer, if source voltage is allowed to rise more than about 0.6V higher than gate voltage, the direct internal connection between gate and channel allows negative Chapter charges to flow freely from source to gate, and as the internal resistance will be very low, the resulting current can be destructive. This is why the JFET must always be reverse-biased.

A MOSFET is freed from these restrictions, and the gate voltage can be higher or lower than the source voltage. This property enables an Nchannel MOSFET to be designed not only as a depletion device, but alternatively as an enhancement device, which is “normally off” and can be switched on by being forward-biased.
The primary difference is the extent to which the channel in the MOSFET is N-doped with charge
carriers, and therefore will or will not conduct without some help from the gate bias. In a depletion device, the channel conducts, but applying negative voltage to the gate can pinch off the current.

In an enhancement device, the channel does not conduct, but applying positive voltage to the gate can make it start to do so.
In either case, a shift of bias from negative to positive encourages channel conduction; the
depletion and enhancement versions simply start from different points.
This is clarified in Figure 29-10. The vertical (logarithmic) scale suggests the current being conducted
through the channel of the MOSFET, while the green curve describes the behavior of a depletion version of the device. Where this curve crosses the center line representing 0 volts bias, the channel is naturally conductive, like a JFET. Moving left down the curve, as reverse bias is applied (shown on the horizontal axis), the component becomes less conductive until finally its conductivity reaches zero.

Figure 29-10. The current conduction N-channel MOSFETs
Meanwhile on the same graph, the orange curve represents an enhancement MOSFET, which is nonconductive at 0 volts bias. As forward bias increases, the current also increases—similar to a bipolar transistor. To make things more confusing, a MOSFET, like a JFET, can have a P-doped channel; and once
again it can function in depletion or enhancement mode. The behavior of this variant is shown in Figure 29-11. As before, the green curve shows the behavior of a depletion MOSFET, while the orange curve refers to the enhancement version. The horizontal axis now shows the voltage difference between the gate and the drain terminal. The depletion component is naturally conductive at zero bias, until the gate voltage increases above the drain voltage, pinching off the current flow. The enhancement component is not conductive until reverse bias is applied.

Figure 29-11.current conduction in P-channel MOSFETs
Figure 29-12 shows schematic symbols that represent depletion MOSFETs. The two symbols on the left are functionally identical, representing Nchannel versions, while the two symbols on the right represent P-channel versions. As in the case of JFETs, the letter “S” should be (but often is not) added to the symmetrical versions of the symbols, to clarify which is the source terminal. The left-pointing arrow identifies the components as N-channel, while in the symbols on the right, the right-pointing arrows indicate P-channel MOSFETs.
The gap between the two vertical lines in each symbol suggests the silicon dioxide dielectric. The right-hand vertical line represents the channel.

Figure 29-12. Schematic symbols for depletion MOSFETs

For enhancement MOSFETs, a slightly different symbol uses a broken line between the source and drain (as shown in Figure 29-13) to remind us that these components are “normally off” when zero-biased, instead of “normally on.” Here again a left-pointing arrow represents an Nchannel MOSFET, while a right-pointing arrow represents a P-channel MOSFET.

Figure 29-13. Schematic symbols for enhancementMOSFETs.
Figure 29-14. N-shannel and P-shannel MOSFET symbole
Because there is so much room for confusion regarding MOSFETs, a summary is presented in Figure 29-14 and Figure 29-15. In these figures, the relevant parts of each schematic symbol are shown disassembled alongside text explaining their meaning. Either of the symbols in Figure 29-14 can be superimposed on either of the symbols in Figure 29-15, to combine their functions. So, for instance, if the upper symbol in Figure 29-14 is superimposed on the lower symbol in Figure 29-15, we get an N-channel MOSFET of the enhancement type.

Figure 29-15. MOSFET normally on and off symbole
In an additional attempt to clarify MOSFET behavior, four graphs are provided in Figure 29-16, Figure 29-17, Figure 29-18, and Figure 29-19. Like JFETs, MOSFETs have an initial ohmic region, followed by a saturation region where current flows relatively freely through the device. The gate-tosource voltage will determine how much flow is permitted. However, it is important to pay close attention to the graph scales, which differ for each of the four types of MOSFET.

Figure 29-16. Current flow through a depletion-type, Nchannel MOSFET.

In all of these graphs, a bias voltage exists, which allows zero current to flow (represented by the graph line superimposed on the horizontal axis). In other words, the MOSFET can operate as a switch. The actual voltages where this occurs will vary with the particular component under consideration.

The N-channel, enhancement-type MOSFET is especially useful as a switch because in its normally-off state (with zero bias) it presents a very high resistance to current flow. It requires a relatively low positive voltage at the gate, and effectively no gate current, to begin conducting conventional current from its drain terminal to its source terminal. Thus it can be driven directly by typical 5-volt logic chips.
Depletion-type MOSFETs are now less commonly used than the enhancement-type.

Figure 29-17. Current flow through a depletion-type, PchannelMOSFET.

Figure 29-18. Current flow through an enhancementtype,
N-channel MOSFET.

The Substrate Connection

Up to this point, nothing has been said about a fourth connection available on many MOSFETs, known as the body terminal. This is connected to the substrate on which the rest of the component is mounted, and acts as a diode junction with the channel. It is typically shorted to the source terminal, and in fact this is indicated by the schematic symbols that have been used so far. It is possible, however, to use the body terminal to shift the threshold gate voltage of the MOSFET, either by making the body terminal more negative than the source terminal (in an Nchannel MOSFET) or more positive (in a Pchannel MOSFET). Variants of the MOSFET schematic symbols showing the body terminal are shown in Figure 29-20 (for depletion MOSFETS) and Figure 29-21 (for enhancement MOSFETS).

A detailed discussion of the use of the body terminal to adjust characteristics of the gate is beyond the scope of this encyclopedia.

Figure 29-20. Schematic symbol mosfet

Figure 29-21. Schematic symbol variants for enhancement

A few FET variants exist in addition to the two previously discussed.


The acronym stands for MEtal-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor. This FET variant is fabricated from gallium arsenide and is used primarily in radio frequency amplification, which is outside the scope of this article.

V-Channel MOSFET

Whereas most FET devices are capable of handling only small currents, the V-channel MOSFET (which is often abbreviated as a VMOS FET and has a V-shaped channel as its name implies) is capable of sustained currents of at least 50A and voltages as high as 1,000V. It is able to pass the high current because its channel resistance is well under 1Ω. These devices, commonly referred to as power MOSFETs, are available from all primary semiconductor manufacturers and are
commonly used in switching power supplies.

Trench MOS

The TrenchMOS or Trenchgate MOS is a MOSFET variant that encourages current to flow vertically rather than horizontally, and includes other innovations that enable an even lower channel resistance, allowing high currents with minimal heat generation. This device is finding applications in the automobile industry as a replacement for electromechanical relays.


The maximum values for JFETs, commonly found listed in datasheets, will specify Vds (the drainsource
voltage, meaning the potential difference between drain and source); Vdg (the drain-gate voltage, meaning the potential difference between drain and gate); Vgsr (the reverse gatesource voltage); gate current; and total device dissipation in mW. Note that the voltage differences are relative, not absolute. Thus a voltage of
50V on the drain and 25V on the source might be acceptable in a component with a Vds of 25V. Similarly, while a JFET’s “pinch-off” effect begins as the gate becomes “more negative” than the source, this can be achieved if, for example, the source has a potential of 6V and the gate has a potential of 3V.

JFETs and MOSFETs designed for low-current switching applications have a typical channel resistance of just a few ohms, and a maximum switching speed around 10Mhz.

The datasheet for a MOSFET will typically include values such as gate threshold voltage, which may be abbreviated Vgs (or Vth) and establishes the relative voltage at which the gate starts to play an active role; and the maximum on-state drain current, which may be abbreviated Id(on) and establishes the maximum limiting current (usually at 25 degree Centigrade) between source and gate.