diode working principle - Electrical Circuits

diode working principle


diode working principle

A PN diode is a two-layer semiconductor, usually fabricated from silicon, sometimes from germanium, and rarely from other materials. The layers are doped with impurities to adjust their electrical characteristics . The N layer (on the negative, cathode side) has a surplus of electrons, creating a net negative charge. The P layer
(on the positive, anode side) has a deficit of electrons, creating a net positive charge. The deficit of electrons can also be thought of as a surplus of “positive charges,” or more accurately, a surplus of electron holes, which can be considered as spaces that electrons can fill.

When the negative side of an external voltage source is connected with the cathode of a diode, and the positive side is connected with the anode, the diode is forward-biased, and electrons and electron holes are forced by mutual repulsion toward the junction between the n and p layers (see Figure 26-4). In a silicon diode, if the potential difference is greater than approximately 0.6 volts, this is known as the junction threshold voltage, and the charges start to pass through the junction. The threshold is only about 0.2 volts in a germanium diode, while in a Schottky diode it is about 0.4 volts.

Figure 26-4. Inside a PN junction diode structure

If the negative side of an external voltage source is connected with the anode of a diode and positive side is connected with the cathode, the diode is now reverse-biased, and electrons and electron holes are attracted away from the junction between the n and p layers. The junction is now a depletion region, which blocks current.

Like any electronic component, a diode is not 100% efficient. When it is forward-biased and is passing current, it imposes a small voltage drop of around 0.7V for a silicon-based diode (Schottky diodes can impose a drop of as little as 0.2V, germanium diodes 0.3V, and some LEDs between 1.4V and 4V). This energy is dissipated as heat. When the diode is reverse-biased, it is still not 100% efficient, this time in its task of blocking current. The very small amount of current that manages to get through is known as leakage. This is almost always less than 1mA and may be just a few μA, depending on the type of diode.

Figure 26-5. diode current and voltage limits

The performance of a theoretical generic PN diode is illustrated in Figure 26-5. The right-hand side of the graph shows that if a diode is forwardbiased with a gradually increasing potential, no current passes until the diode reaches its junction threshold voltage, after which the current rises very steeply, as the dynamic resistance of the diode diminishes to near zero. The left-hand side of the graph shows that when the diode is reverse-biased with a gradually increasing potential, initially a very small amount of current passes as leakage (the graph exaggerates this for clarity). Eventually, if the potential is high enough, the diode reaches its intrinsic breakdown voltage, and once again its effective resistance diminishes to near zero. At either end of the curve, the diode will be easily and permanently damaged by excessive current. With the exception of Zener diodes and varactors, reverse bias on a diode should not be allowed to reach the breakdown voltage level. The graph in Figure 26-5 does not have a consistent scale on its Y axis, and in many diodes the magnitude of the (reverse-biased) breakdown voltage will be as much as 100 times the magnitude of the (forward-biased) threshold voltage. The graph has been simplified for clarity.