The Relay circuit
What relay Does
A relay enables a signal or pulse of electricity to switch on (or switch off ) a separate flow of electricity. Often, a relay uses a low voltage or low current to control a higher voltage and/or higher current. The low voltage/low current signal can be initiated by a relatively small, economical switch, and can be carried to the relay by relatively cheap, small-gauge wire, at which point the relay controls a larger current near to the load. In a car, for example, turning the ignition switch sends a signal to a relay positioned close to the starter motor.While solid-state switching devices are faster and more reliable, relays retain some advantages. They can handle double-throw and/or multiplepole switching and can be cheaper when high voltages or currents are involved. A comparison of their advantages relative to solid state relays and transistors is tabulated in the entry on bipolar transistor in Figure 28-15.
Common schematic symbols for single-throw relays are shown in Figure 9-1 and for doublethrow relays in Figure 9-2. The appearance and orientation of the coil and contacts in the symbols may vary significantly, but the functionality remains the same.
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Figure 9-1. relay schematic symbols |
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Figure 9-2. SPDT relay symbol |
How relay Works
A relay contains a coil, an armature, and at least one pair of contacts. Current flows through the coil, which functions as an electromagnet and generates a magnetic field. This pulls the armature, which is often shaped as a pivoting bracket that closes (or opens) the contacts. These parts are visible in the simplified rendering of a DPST relay in Figure 9-3. For purposes of identification, the armature is colored green, while the coil is red and the contacts are orange. The two blue blocks are made of an insulating material, the one on the left supporting the contact strips, the one on the right pressing the contacts together when the armature pivots in response to a magnetic field from the coil. Electrical connections to the contacts and the coil have been omitted for simplicity.![]() |
Figure 9-3. DPST relay structure |
Various small relays, capable of handling a variety of voltages and currents, are pictured in Figure 9-4. At top-left is a 12VDC automotive relay, which plugs into a suitable socket shown immediately below it. At top-right is a 24VDC SPDT relay with exposed coil and contacts, making it suitable only for use in a very clean, dry environment. Continuing downward, the four sealed relays in colored plastic cases are designed to switch currents of 5A at 250VAC, 10A at 120VAC, 0.6A at 125VAC, and 2A at 30VDC, respectively.
The two blue relays have 12VDC coils, while the red and yellow relays have 5V coils. All are nonlatching, except for the yellow relay, which is a latching type with two coils. At bottom-left is a 12VDC relay in a transparent case, rated to switch up to 5A at 240VAC or 30VDC.
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Figure 9-4. assortment of small DC-powered relays |
The configuration of a relay is specified using the same abbreviations that apply to a switch. SP, DP, 3P, and 4P indicate 1, 2, 3, or 4 poles (relays with more than 4 poles are rare). ST and DT indicate single-throw or double-throw switching. These abbreviations are usually concatenated, as in 3PST or SPDT. In addition, the terminology Form A (meaning normally open), Form B (normally closed), and Form C (double-throw) may be used, preceded by a number that indicates the number of poles. Thus “2 Form C” means a DPDT relay.
Variants relay
There are two basic types of relay: latching and nonlatching. A nonlatching relay, also known as a single side stable type, is the most common, and resembles a momentary switch or pushbutton in that its contacts spring back to their default state when power to the relay is interrupted. This can be important in an application where the relay should return to a known state if power is lost. By contrast, a latching relay has no default state. Latching relays almost always have doublethrow contacts, which remain in either position without drawing power. The relay only requires a short pulse to change its status. In semiconductor terms, its behavior is similar to that of a flip-flop.In a single-coil latching relay, the polarity of voltage applied to the coil determines which pair of contacts will close. In a dual-coil latching relay, a second coil moves the armature between each of its two states.
Schematic symbols for a dual-coil latching relay are shown in Figure 9-5. Some symbol styles do not make it clear which switch position each coil induces. It may be necessary to read the manufacturer’s datasheet or test the relay by applying its rated voltage to randomly selected terminal pairs while testing for continuity between other terminal pairs.
There are three types of DC relay. In a neutral relay, polarity of DC current through the coil is irrelevant.The relay functions equally well either way. A polarized relay contains a diode in series with the coil to block current in one direction. A biased relay contains a permanent magnet near the armature, which boosts performance when current flows through the coil in one direction, but blocks a response when the current flows through the coil in the opposite direction. Manufacturers’ datasheets may not use this terminology, but will state whether the relay coil is sensitive to the polarity of a DC voltage.
All relays can switch AC current, but only an AC relay is designed to use AC as its coil current.
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Figure 9-5. Schematic symbols for a two-coil latching relay |
Relay Pinout Variations
The layout and function of relay pins or quick connects is not standardized among manufacturers. Often the component will have some indication of pin functions printed on it, but should always be checked against the manufacturer’s datasheet and/or tested for continuity with a meter.Figure 9-6 shows four sample pin configurations, adapted from a manufacturer’s datasheet. These configurations are functionally quite different, although all of them happen to be for DPDT relays. In each schematic, the coil of the relay is shown as a rectangle, while the pins are circles, black indicating an energized state and white indicating a non-energized state. The bent lines show the possible connections between the poles and other contacts inside the relay. The contacts are shown as arrows. Thus, pole 4 can connect with either contact 3 or contact 5, while pole 9 can connect with either contact 8 or contact 10.
Top-left: Polarized nonlatching relay in its resting condition, with no power applied. Top right: Single-coil latching relay showing energized contacts (black circles) when the coil is powered with the polarity indicated. If the polarity is reversed, the relay flips to its opposite state. Some manufacturers indicate the option to reverse polarity by placing a minus sign alongside a plus sign, and a plus sign alongside a minus sign. Bottom-left and bottom-right: Polarized latching relays with two coils, with different pinouts.
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Figure 9-6. Relay pinout |
In these diagrams, the relay is seen from above. Some datasheets show the relay seen from below, and some show both views. Some manufacturers use slightly different symbols to indicate interior functions and features. When in doubt, use a meter for verification.
Reed Relay
A reed relay is the smallest type of electromechanical relay with applications primarily in test equipment and telecommunications. With a coil resistance ranging from 500 to 2000 ohms, these relays consume very little power. The design consists of a reed switch with a coil wrapped around it. Figure 9-7 shows a simplified rendering. The two black contacts are enclosed in a glass or plastic envelope and magnetized in such a way that a magnetic field from the surrounding coil bends them together, creating a connection. When power to the coil is disconnected, the magnetic field collapses and the contacts spring apart.![]() |
Figure 9-7. reed relay |
In Figure 9-8, two reed relays are shown, at topleft and center-right. At bottom-left, the type of relay on the right has been opened by a belt sander to reveal its copper coil and inside that, a capsule in which the relay contacts are visible. Surface-mount reed relays can be smaller than 0.5” × 0.2”. Through-hole versions are often around 0.7” × 0.3” with pins in two rows, though some are available in SIP packages. Reed relays have limited current switching capacity and are not suitable to switch inductive loads.
Small Signal Relay
A small signal relay is also known as a low signal relay. This type may have a footprint as small as a reed relay but generally stands slightly taller, requires slightly more coil current, and is available in versions that can switch slightly higher![]() |
Figure 9-8. Three reed relays |
Automotive Relays
An automotive relay is typically packaged in a cube-shaped black plastic case with quickconnect terminals at the bottom, typically plugged into a socket. Naturally they are designed to switch, and be switched by, a 12VDC supply.General Purpose/Industrial
These relays cover a very wide range and are usually built without significant concern for size. They may be capable of switching high currents at high voltages. Typically they are designed to plug into a socket such as an octal base of the type that was once used for vacuum tubes. The base, in turn, terminates in solder tabs, screws, or quick connects and is designed to be screwed to a chassis. It allows the relay to be unplugged and swapped without resoldering. Two industrial relays are shown in Figure 9-9. Both are DPDT type with 12VDC coils and rated to switch up to 10A at 240VAC. The one on the left has an octal base. An octal socket that fits an octal base is shown in Figure 9-10.![]() |
Figure 9-9. Two relays powered by 12VDC |
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Figure 9-10. An octal socket with screw terminals |
Time Delay Relay
Generally used to control industrial processes, a time delay relay switches an output on and off at preset time intervals that can be programmed to repeat. The example in Figure 9-11 has a 12VDC coil and is rated to switch up at 10A at 240VAC. It has an octal base.Contactor
A contactor functions just like a relay but is designed to switch higher currents (up to thousands of amperes) at higher voltages (up to many kilovolts). It may range from being palm-sized to measuring more than one foot in diameter, and may be used to control heavy loads such as very large motors, banks of high-wattage lights, and heavy-duty power supplies.Values
Datasheets usually specify maximum voltage and current for the contacts, and nominal voltage and current for the coil, although in some cases the coil resistance is stated instead of nominal coil current. The approximate current consumption can be estimated, if necessary, by using Ohm’s Law. The minimum voltage that the relay needs for activation is sometimes described as the Must Operate By voltage, while the Must Release By voltage is the maximum coil voltage that the relay will ignore. Relays are rated on the assumption that the coil may remain energized for long periods, unless otherwise stated. While the contact rating may suggest that a relay can switch a large load, this is not necessarily true if the load has significant inductance.Reed relays
Usually use a coil voltage of 5VDC and have a contact rating of up to 0.25A at 100V. Through-hole (PCB) versions may have a coil voltage of 5VDC, 6VDC, 12VDC, or 24VDC and in some cases claim to switch 0.5A to 1A at up to 100V, although this rating is strictly for a noninductive load.Small signal/low signal relays
Usually use a coil voltage ranging from 5VDC to 24VDC, drawing about 20mA. Maximum switching current for noninductive loads ranges from 1A to 3A. Industrial/general purpose relays A very wide range of possible values, with coil voltages ranging up to 48VDC or 125VAC to 250VAC. Contact rating is typically 5A to 30A.Automotive relays
Coil voltage of 12VDC, and contact rating often 5A at up to 24VDC.Timer relays
Usually these specify a coil voltage of 12VDC, 24VDC, 24VAC, 125VAC, or 230VAC. Thetimed interval can range from 0.1 sec to 9999
hours in some cases. Common values for
contact ratings are 5A up to 20A, with a voltage
of 125V to 250V, AC or DC.
How to Use relay
Relays are found in home appliances such as dishwashers, washing machines, refrigerators, air conditioners, photocopy machines, and other products where a substantial load (such as a motor or compressor) has to be switched on and off by a control switch, a thermostat, or an electronic circuit.Figure 9-12 shows a common small-scale application in which a signal from a microcontroller (a few mA at 5VDC) is applied to the base of a transistor, which controls the relay. In this way, a logic output can switch 10A at 125VAC. Note the rectifier diode wired in parallel with the relay coil.
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Figure 9-12. relay in circuit |
A latching relay is useful wherever a connection should persist when power is switched off or interrupted,
or if power consumption must be minimized. Security devices are one common application. However, the circuit may require a “power reset” function to restore known default settings of latched relays.
A circuit including every possible protection against voltage spikes is shown in Figure 9-13, including a snubber to protect the relay contacts, a rectifier diode to suppress back-EMF generated by the relay coil, and another rectifier diode to protect the relay from EMF generated by a motor when the relay switches it on and off. The snubber can be omitted if the motor draws a relatively low current (below 5A) or if the relay is switching a noninductive load. The diode around the relay coil can be omitted if there are no semiconductors or other components in the circuit that are vulnerable to voltage spikes. However, a spike can affect components in adjacent circuits that appear to be electrically isolated. A severe spike can even be transmitted back into 125VAC house wiring. For information on using a resistorcapacitor combination to form a snubber, see “Snubber” (page 108).
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Figure 9-13. protection against voltage spikes |